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Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Philhod
Err I don't think the French were always mertic

Ever heard of Avoir Dupoire AKA imperial

They developed metric and left us with the bag of shite we used to use

Feet inches yards rods poles perches chains. Pints quarts gills gallons.
pounds ounces hunredweights tons. ergs and drulls (power)
farthings ha'pennies pennies thre'pence sixpence shilling two bob 1/2 crown crown
ten bob pound guinea.

Yeah real joined up that lot was................ [no]

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Of course!
The yardstick!
Ah, some of my schooling comes flooding back!

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
I didn't know Phil could speak all foriegn like! :lol:

No sis in law dude. BIL's wife is do-able. BIL's wife's sister is more doable but she needs it ..........well, hard, frankly!

edit: So Phil, Avoir Dupoire are French and created metric ?

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Mate, it's been sooo long since I've had sex, well, with anybody else, I could do her so hard she'd spend the rest of her life a dribbling mess in a wheelchair!

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
well frankly she'd deserve it, so poke like the wind my friend! :lol:

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
I'll pop over!
Tell her to prepare for the battering of her life!

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Philhod
Prior to 1066 we didn't have a national measurements system.
The Normans brought avoir thingy with them and over the centuries it became imperial.

Sometime between 1700 and 1800 some clever Ffrench cunt developed MetricSystem.( you can tell how good my history is)

Of course we said fuck that it's err French, we'll keep using your previous incomprehensible stuff thanks :P :P :P

What's sex???????????

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Sex is when you open your wallett, and a bird empties it for you!

Wasn't measurment invented to ensure that people got the same amount everytime or something?
Like, the yardstick came about because people were getting stuff in lengths and it needed to be the same lengths cos it came from abroad or some shit like that?

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by mat_the_cat
docchevron1472 wrote:Sex is when you open your wallett, and a bird empties it for you!
I reckon that in the long run, sex for love is FAR more expensive than sex for money...

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Aint it ever.
I mean it really really is.
And moreover, paid for sex is guarenteed.

Whats the difference between a hooker and a wife?
Ones contract, the others pay as you go.

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
/\ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: [chin] I have the contract one I think....dunno, have to check the paperwork..............

Philhod wrote:Prior to 1066 ...........

What's sex???????????
Fuck me you is old dude! Are you sure you ain't one of them highlander blokes?

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Philhod
:shock: You're not supposed to know :oops:

And anyway Mickey is looking after me sword :P

Given the circumstances that means my contract is for evah!!!!!

I believe it was the Egyptians who started standardisation, in fact the whole of the middle east
was full of Mathematicians

They must have been constipated too coz they were the first bunch to work it out with a pencil :P

If a joiner made a chair for someone, he measured him and made the chair.

Now with a standard all the chairs are thesame and if you don't fit....well....tough :lol:

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by mickey taker
Philhod wrote: I believe it was the Egyptians who started standardisation, l:
yeah and I bet you were there to oversee it was done properly gramps

remember ,there can be only one and I have the sword

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
Philhod wrote: I believe it was the Egyptians who started standardisation, in fact the whole of the middle east was full of Mathematicians
So how come all house ain't triangular then?
Philhod wrote:must have been constipated too coz they were the first bunch to work it out with a pencil :P
:lol: :lol: :lol: Been there!

......Gramps = rofl :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
Right, I have stripped the donor bx down and am now stumped a tad. I am attempting to put a wider ratio diff on the TD. So, I heed the diff and the gear it meshes with on the o/p shaft. Does this gear pull off? In which case I need a puller right?

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 05 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Yeah, it's a press fit!
A fooking tight one!
And indeed, the nuts are a slack 28mm!
Just like some of the women I'v been in!

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 09 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
Awwwh bless him. Me dad had a 5/8 Whitworth socket and it fits like a glove! Need to strip the TD box down now.
Did you say a bearing was gone on the ZX box mate???/ Cos you were right me old cocker! Would you believe a google search for the bearing number reveals one listed by a bearing company oop norf as stock clearance so I've asked for a quote. As it happens the one from the TD box may yet be ok but it did rumble in the jungle in 5th but could also be me nuts as you suggested Doc!

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 09 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Were the nuts loose?
They can and do work loose.
Yeah that box had a well noisey bearing / shaft.
It still took some serious stick though!

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 09 Apr 2009
by Bx Bandit
One of the nut's on the ZX box was loose, I ain't stripped the one off the TZD yet. I'll be doing it on Monday now as I have a guest staying who will demand I drink vast quantities of booze....It's gonna be a [vomit] weekend!

Re: Gear Box Nuts

Posted: 10 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
If only I had the time to dap over...