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Re: Urine testing

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by Vanny
probably, but if i don't get this thing working tonight, then tomorrow it will be going in the skip and i'll have to go the cash point to withdraw the £5 that i owe Phil based on the value of his cocking computer. I can see why he hates it, and its nothing to do with all the viruses and porn that was on it, its just shit!

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by docchevron132
I can see where you're coming from.
My old machine was shit, and I stumbled along with it for ages, then you built this one, and even after the HD carked it it still pisses all over the last one!

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by Vanny
this thing is mostly just let down by the operating system tbh. I'm pretty sure that windows 7 would be quicker, and after hour 15 of installing updates and only just getting to service pack 1, i wish i had installed Vista from the get go. I guess you get what you pay for!

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by docchevron132
I'll keep XP for as long as I can, then it's off to Linux, or maybe even a Mac.

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by Scarecrow
Linux IS great! I'd tell your friend that he has to have it installed if he wants it fixed :wink:

I still think that people should be allowed to live how they like - so long as they don't adversely affect others.

Regarding the degenerates in society - I think you have a choice between paying them a subsistence allowance, or paying to deal with them via the criminal justice system, because if people can't feed their bellies (and habits) they're just going to steal what they need from us.

Drugs are another matter all together. Are we including the legal drugs, or is it just the proscribed ones? Is it okay for stockbrokers to take huge gambles with the nations reserves whilst out of their heads on coke? Should a lot of the World's art treasures be destroyed because they were created by people who gained inspiration through their use of drugs? Blair was right to recognise that booze has a far more corrosive influence than pot. It seems to me that some people are a tad hypocritical when it comes to telling others how to live their lives.

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by Philhod
Install what the fuck you like on it Vanny, as long as it works. True it only cost £395 new.
Don't know shit about Linux or whatever, but I've been using Safari browser and that's from Apple and it's been excellent. Tried 2 or 3 IE, Chrome, Godzilla or something and they all fell foul of Vista which came with the thing.

Not protecting Labour, although I've voted for them all my life. As said before, they all start off with good intentions till they find out just how much of a gravy train and sinecure they have their hands on.
OK so I was being a tad exageratable??... but several london boroughs have already started booking B&B's and if you can't pay the difference between the new benefit rate and your rent, you will be moved.
Doc's right we get shafted either way. When I claimed my private pension that I had been paying into for 20 years, I was told it would be about 40% down due to the low return on investments and banking crisis. Now the investment returns are back up, do I get my money back in terms of restored pension?
No, don't be silly, of corse not. The banks need to pay out bonuses again so you can piss off and the government can have your bit in tax.
Yes, I'm bitter, and so are lots of folks in the same position, all over Europe.
When you have managed without tings so you could save for later, worked all your life without claiming a thing from the state. Paid your taxes (more in my case :) then someone who has had all they want and more besides and will have to make do with 3 cars instead of 4, nicks it from you, you do tend to get a bit pissed off. ....I'm 8)

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by mat_the_cat
Vanny wrote:athlon 64 with but 1gb of ram.
Don't laugh,but I'm typing this on an AMD K6, with a whopping 96Mb of RAM! :oops: Trying to run XP but not exactly motoring along.

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 31 Oct 2010
by Stinkwheel(Matt)
People of my generation (who granted on the whole are useless cunts) will have to work longer and harder for less.
Ok, being retired right now aint a bed of roses, but I have to accept that things are shite, not just for me, but for my neighbour, his neighbour and every other tosser in this land, so thats it, I'll pay my taxes, not moan too much about it and survive as best I can on what I have because the sorryass situation we find ourselves in has to be dealt with.
Here endeth todays lecture.
Agree with, the whole lot. well said.

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 31 Oct 2010
by docchevron132
well, it's on the internet, so it must be true!

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 31 Oct 2010
by Philhod
:lol: It also says you can give up your job and earn 11ty billion a year from home on your computer...on autopilot. So you can spend all your time on leisure pursuits.
And by Jesus I would pursue a few if I had that mch time and money 8) :lol: :lol:

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 31 Oct 2010
by docchevron132
if you're clever enough you could earn all the money in the world from your home computer, I mean, Bill Gates managed it.

Re: Urine testing

Posted: 01 Nov 2010
by Philhod
if you're clever enough
Ah! I knew there'd be a catch somewhere. :lol: