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Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 13 Dec 2009
by Father Ted

Right - OLD NHS hearing aids typically have a toggle switch that flicks between ON, T and DEAF.

New NHS ones have a button that (in my case) cycles each press between ON (amplification 3), Telecoil and On (amplification 4). To switch off you flick the battery cover open. They can be programmed with 5 different sets of settings - James f'rinstance has one that is used in schools where the teacher wears a mic and he has a little thing that clips on the base of his hearing aid - it wont work with mine ( I tried it once) as the settings in mine havent been activated for it. He also has blue hearing aids whereas I only got to pick Austin Maestro colour.

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 14 Dec 2009
by Philhod
My 8 year old digital model (one of the first) has similar buttons and switches off by releasing the battery box.
The tinitus I have is half an octave out each side and strangely alternates and worryingly hurts when it changes over, it's actually painful for about 2 minutes.
It only does it > once a month.

I've learned to live with it really but I know what you mean about silence, it's deafening :lol:

It's worst where I'm off this week. Walking in the forest in winter, after about 2pm just going dark, there is no sound whatsoever when it's calm.
If someone starts talking I can't hear them unless they shout!!!! Got to laugh haven't you :lol:
One of my ex workmates has the same trouble and he went round the bend with it. He was sectioned for about 6 months.
He's a lot better now but he still takes medication every day. 8)

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 15 Dec 2009
by docchevron132
Bx Bandit wrote:
docchevron132 wrote:....and frankly both the BX's have all sorts of noises I'd rather they didn't, but since I know what they all are.........
That's just it, just there /\ where you say you know what they are! Rattles and knocks etc I can put with if I know what they are and I just put off doing them for as long as I can. But i can't figure this bugger out.

You'll have to come for a ride and hear my throbbing problem!
Gladly, doubt I'll know what it is though!
Bit tied up til after all this Xmas shite is over and done with though...

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 15 Dec 2009
by jonathan_dyane
The joy of Tinnitus :( I used to get it intermittently if I was in a loud environment (nightclub etc) or using an angle grinder. I often thought I should really start wearing earplugs, and went as far as buying some proper ones to go clubbing that were selective. Unfortunately I had them in my coat pocket when I made a visit to Ashworth, and security made me leave them at control, which I then forgot.

About 7 months ago I had a night where I ended up dancing like a maniac for some time stood next to a speaker, and since the Tinnitus in the 'dodgy' ear has been constant, varying from background to maddening, for me it sounds just like a tuning fork does pressed on a desk after it has been rang. Intermittent deafness in the same ear too.

Not ideal :roll:

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 15 Dec 2009
by Philhod
Yep, that's how noise affected starts

Unfortunately it's non reversible..... and just goes worse as you get older. :(

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 15 Dec 2009
by jonathan_dyane
Ah joy. I thought I'd broken it like...

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 15 Dec 2009
by Father Ted
Never mind - as much as a PITA as being a bit mutton is it has its advantages and is much better than being blind. Imagine never being able to see a lovely pair of knockers again in a wight blouse. Or a cute arse in a pair of black tight pants, or knee high boots and an A line black prison officers skirt with black stockings.....

Excuse me a while would you?.....

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 16 Dec 2009
by jonathan_dyane
/\ You're quite right :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 16 Dec 2009
by docchevron132
Excused, and now, excuse me a while...

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 31 Mar 2010
by Bx Bandit
Putting this back on topic (just to be boring) I may have found what's causing this rumble. Bearing in mind I've changed the wheel bearing, swapped tyres, tracking is ok, tried spare drive shaft I was struggling to think what would cause this...but:

I looked at a standard TD setup on the garage floor and noticed that the inner ends of the drive shafts can come very close to the bevel gear spindle. A quick check on PR Net shows that different diameter spindles are used through out both ZX and BX history - from 14mmm to 17mm. So my theory is that the ZX box has a slightly bigger spindle than the BX. There aren't sufficient dwgs on pr-net to verify categorically. Before I go dissecting the box does anyone know??? This would be further verified by slightly shorter dimensions on the part of the drive shaft that sits in the diff.

Furthermore, if this is the case, is it really wise to lob 1mm of the end of a driveshaft?! Surely this would be a lathe job?

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 31 Mar 2010
by Philhod
Ideally a lathe, yes, but if you have a bench grinder you could do it with that if you were careful.

Although thinking about it. With the front end geometry set up right the shaft can only slide outwards, not inwards, at least only up to a point. If there is any interference with the end of the bevel spindle, it would suggest the problem lies with the geometry set up somewhere.

Lobbing a mm off won't do any harm though! :P

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 31 Mar 2010
by Bx Bandit
Philhod wrote: If there is any interference with the end of the bevel spindle, it would suggest the problem lies with the geometry set up somewhere.
Ordinarily yes, but this is a ZX diff with a BX driveshaft, assumed to be identical but IF the ZX bevel gear spindle was a larger diameter then this cause the problem. Short of taking the diff apart, I don't have any information on the dims.

regarding geometry, (and assuming all nuts tight and ball joints ok) then it can only be lower arm bushes right?

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 31 Mar 2010
by Philhod
Yes. The lower arm bushes or the btm steering joint are the only ones that would allow inward movement when turning.

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 31 Mar 2010
by docchevron132
Ya know, I hadn't thought of that, but I dont think that could be an issue, although...
You could try using ZX inner joints?

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 31 Mar 2010
by Bx Bandit
/\ That's a good point mate, although I'd rather stick to standard BX d/s if I can. I may stick a normal box back on for now and have another look at the modified one. Besides which, I put the 3rd and 4th in from the ZX box as well and they are just too short, so I may as well strip it down again and measure the spindle whilst I'm at it.

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 31 Mar 2010
by docchevron132
you do enjoy torture dont you!

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 01 Apr 2010
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Now why did I think that too!!

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 01 Apr 2010
by Bx Bandit
:lol: :lol: :x perhaps you're right mate! If the box didn't rumble then it would take about twenty years to change the gears but I'm as curious as I am concerned about the rumble - it just ain't right.

Then of course I have to do the Valver clutch and 3/4 synchro's as they are fully fooked and really do spoil the drive! It ceases to be a hobby when it's a daily driver me thinks

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 02 Apr 2010
by Philhod
It ceases to be a hobby when it's a daily driver me thinks
Your not wrong there Bandit. :twisted:

I spent 20 years with no dosh, lied under cars with a torch and the missis reading instructions.
Just so I could get to work the following....well the same day mostly.

Just so I could earn not enough money to get a reliable car :)

Re: Rumble in my Jungle

Posted: 02 Apr 2010
by mat_the_cat
Philhod wrote:I spent 20 years lied under cars
Didn't you get hungry?

Know what you mean, I'm borrowing Lana's Megane at the moment and a tiny part of me is thinking it makes sense to keep that on the road for a bit. It needs no work or money spending on it, and does nearly 40mpg which is surprisingly good for a 2 litre 16v over mountain roads.