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Good information?

Posted: 26 Apr 2008
by barnsley bxer
My BX is shaking like a shiting dog as per example below,after replacing CV boot :evil: Do I now need a new driveshaft?

hey guys,
Well, it all started so well. I bought a brand new aftermarket driveshaft for my TZD turbo as the old was was knackered.

The shaft was much thicker than the old one but it seemed to fit in easy enough.

And now the problem has started:
Straight after fitting the shaft, there is a horrible vibration from 30-50mph but it only surfaces when accelerating hard. The level of vibration depends on how much torque is going through the front wheels and is worse in 3rd and 4th gear when on boost. At any speed when freewheeling or deaccelerating, no vibration

At its worst, the gearlever rattles violently.

Does this sound familar to anyone?

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Geoffrey Gould
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:08 pm


Hello RKM no it is not unknown at all, although your shaft may be new it certainly would not be the first time that a new one is no good at all. Have had some that had more play than the old worn one that it replaced. A certain make of shaft that has a 'tin' joint cover ( looks like and is about the same size as a baked bean tin) could be seen to drive the shaft in a very noticeble wobble when on lock!! It was scrap after a few miles. Put the car up enough to see the shaft and turn the wheel and see what it looks like.
It may be a real pain but if the old one (if it's possible, unless it was an exchange one.) Could be put back in then that would prove a point. It does look unfortunently that the new one will have to come out anyway. I have a new TD shaft that is showing signs of wear after very few miles at the moment.
The quality of some new spares does seem to be questionable to say the least.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:39 pm Post subject:


Have a go on the inner tri-joint. If the driveaxle at some point has been mis-handled during transport or inspection, then the needle rollers may be all over inside the bellow floating in the grease.

The outer CV joint is not that sensitive to dismantling. It will need really coarse handling with hammers etc. before any damage appears.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:11 am


Is the car equipped with ABS or not?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:21 pm Post subject: re


Problem solved; the replacement shaft was goosed. Ironically, the GSF genuine replacement was only a few quid more and that has solved the problem.

Thanks again gents.


Posted: 26 Apr 2008
by Vanny
Theres a whole numebr of unknowns in this thread and with your situation, to name a few;
  • Which side drive shaft (they are both totally different)?
  • was the replacement shaft correct?
  • Shaking of that nature wont come without noise, what did it sound like?
  • Did you replease the grease with the CV boot?
  • Did you flush the old greese out if the boot is goosed?
  • Are you absolutley sure everything went back together correctly?
In the example given the obvious answer (givne the 'shaft was much thicker') i suspect the shaft was simply incorrect, infact i would bet that the shaft was for a Xantia. Certain Xantia TD shafts fit, most of them dont (i think its early fat shafts that fit), they are a little two long and probably locking up and grinding.

In your case, assuming the problem wasnt there before the boot change i'd bet on one of two things. Either something hasn't gone back correctly (could even be a wheel) OR you have contaminents in teh greese that are locking and destroying the CV its self. There pretty sturdy shafts and CV's, i ran one with no boot and no grease for over a year (as the CV was already warn) and i only swapped it to a stock spare when it became very very noisey under towing! It took a lot of abuse before it gave in. Oh, you might of course have knocked a roller out? writing off the shaft and CV :(

Posted: 26 Apr 2008
by barnsley bxer
Right.Quick history.I found out my N/S CV boot was split last week.I changed it and whilst doing so,the shaft popped out of the inner joint.I thought no more about it and put it back in,put things back together and the car was shaking like a shiting dog,as above :evil: I pulled it apart again,just to make sure everything had gone back as it should.Re-assembled and it was still shaking :evil: The gearbox mount looked a bit dodgy,so I replaced that too.Still shaking.I looked on the BXC and found the above.Should I try another driveshaft?Has anybody got one?Anwers on a postcard please

Posted: 27 Apr 2008
by Vanny
N/S erm i might have one but can't get at it (uber busy, no car) if you get desperate by friday evening then we could nip to the farm, but erm i'd need a lift, and have no idea of condition (am 90% sure there is a matching set there though, and i tend to kill the long ones!).

i do wonder if there is a seating issue?

Posted: 27 Apr 2008
by Philhod
:? If the needles have come out of one of the tripode bearings, it would present the type of symptoms you describe. If you carefully slide it out again and check, you`ll soon find out. If all was ok before it`s defo something that`s recently been done, not gradual wear.
When you get it out check to see if all the rollers are there. If they are not
I`ve removed them before with a piece of 10mm copper tube, taped to the end of my Vax. 8)

Posted: 27 Apr 2008
by Vanny
Philhod wrote:I`ve removed them before with a piece of 10mm copper tube, taped to the end of my Vax. 8)

on purpose?

Posted: 27 Apr 2008
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: Yeah......It doesn`t half increase the suction......................
............... :oops: If you know what I mean :P

Posted: 30 Apr 2008
by barnsley bxer
Thanks lads,I should be sorted at the weekend,with a bit of luck