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something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 22 Apr 2009
by tomsheppard
on the BBC Iplayer. BBC4- Jim Clark the quiet champion. It is still there but not for much longer so grab it if you can.

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 22 Apr 2009
by docchevron132

My beard is going grey, but the face to the name eludes me!

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 22 Apr 2009
by Philhod
One of the best F1 drivers ever...... 60's........Left the road at Spa I think it was, and returned in a box. :cry:

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 23 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Oh right!
Bit before my time.
That said I aint bothered with F1 for a while now, it all got very boring.

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 30 Apr 2009
by Madcav
F1 is utter dogshit and is as much of a sport these day as paper areoplane races from school kids. Clarke was a legend though ditto Jackie Stewart.

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 30 Apr 2009
by mickey taker
yeah , whilst the tactics shown in Bahrain were clever ( if ever a race was won on pit stops this was it), the race itself was about as interesting as watching paint dry ( apart from Button overtaking Hamilton )

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 30 Apr 2009
by Madcav
It's wank mate. Boring overpaid tosser 'a' almost overtakes overpaid tosser 'b' and people pay hundreds to watch that shite.

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by docchevron132
I used to love F1, but yes, it has gotten unbearably dull.
Back in the day though it was great, when it was about driver talent and not how much money the team had to make things quicker.

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by Father Ted
I quite fancy trying some PCT if anyone knows of any events (bugger all round Preston)

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by docchevron132
Bus racing in Birmingham perhaps?
Thats always good fun!

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by Madcav

Marty if you like motor sports wait for the BTCC at Oulton. Always a belting day out/weekend and you can get quite close to the action

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by Father Ted
Nahh, I want and excuse to go off roading in the micra...

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by Fish_Botherer
PCT - normal car & average-or-underpaid driver & passenger goes from (lower) point 'a' to (higher) point 'b' ?

Would've thought a BX 19 diesel wouldn't do badly for "trickling". Sound like something I'd be very surprised if Vanny hadn't had a go at at some time or other. A Hillman Imp doing this would've needed a bit of ballast or a passenger on the bonnet at times, from what I remember of them

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by Madcav
Marty: cheap Frontera, disused quarry. Pay £25, stay all day, have best laugh EVAH!111one!!11
I'm currently on the look out for a cheap Frontender by the way with tax and MOT if anyone finds one.

Re: something good for the greybeards...

Posted: 01 May 2009
by mat_the_cat
We used to use the 205 for PCTs, that was a good laugh. I reckoned that if you stuck the 1.9D lump into a 205 with a 1.6 GTi box you'd have a good car for the job. A BX would be that bit too long for some sections I think...