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Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by sleepy0905
well i have had fun and games after the Camchain tensioner on my micra failed see picture below, with the result that the timing jumped 2 teeth and as a result it wouldnt go at all, it took my 5 hours and Shit loads of pain but i got the car up and running again without any major damage although the camchain had two big cracks in it so it very very nearly snapped.


Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by Father Ted
Woooah - its Aaron. How ya doin? i gota Micra too.

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by sleepy0905
Father ted whos dat den dont recognise the name but then my mind is shot Micras are ace but if the timing chain is noisy it is worth doing very sooner rather than later.

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by Father Ted

Oddly the timing chain is fine and unrattly, however its list of faults are alarming
1) Fuel pisses out the top of the tank if you brim it.
2) Pulls alarmingly to the left
3) Radio Fubar
4) Flashing the lights causes all other electrics to cease
5) Wipers stay on even when switched off if its wet
6) Lights stay on when its wet (even when switched off)
7) Washer jets dont work except to dump water into the footwell.

But the timing chain, she dont rattle.

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by sleepy0905
so you dont take it near a car wash then LOL Mine is an absolute beauty but i need to change the N/S outer CV joint as it knocks a lot and i have an oil leak from the sump from doing the timing chains but i couldnt seperate the exhaust to get the sump fully off My misses says take your shoes and socks off you can wash your feet while driving there is an extra nissan dont tell you about

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by Father Ted
It cost £100, so I'm not complaing. I had a K10 for a few weeks before getting this LX with PAS. Got my eye on a little old lady T plate GX when she gets round to swapping it....

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by docchevron132
Hey Aaron, Father Ted is Marty from BXC BTW..

So, the tensioner was a little past it's best then?!

Hows the health doing now mate??

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 03 May 2009
by Madcav
Hey up Aaron, good to hear from you again mate.

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by sleepy0905
Our micra 1.3 GX cost 200 on an N plate she only sold it because her garage wanted to charge her 900 to do the chains and we have done a year with it before having to do them.
Hello doc and billy I am battling on, the weather is warming up so i should find thing easier still got shit loads of pain but you have to grin and bear it.

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by mickey taker
good to hear from you Aaron, hopefully with the warmer weather you will start to feel a bit better,
well dosent matter how you did it , you got it done and thats the main thing

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by Way2go
Well done Aaron, it's more that the task in hand, it must give you immense self satisfaction to win through despite the painful obstacles. :D [clap]

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by docchevron132
Keep smiling mate, the lovely Laura Tobin suggests that this year will be a scorcher, so all should be well!

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by Vanny
i read that too in the news paper, but since the BBC are worse than the MetOffice at getting it right, and the MetOffice seem to predict the weather by playing 3 way rock-paper-scissors, i predict snow throughout july!

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by docchevron132
No way mate, Laura wouldn't lie to me, she just wouldn't...

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by sleepy0905
Thankyou It does give a grate feeling of satisfaction when you complete the job despite the pain and eating painkillers like they are smarties I paid for it the next day though i couldnt even operate my wheelchair linda had to push me

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by sleepy0905
we cannot have snow or i will hybernate again

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by Vanny
of interest, how are you buying your magic potions, i've just started buying drugs online, 300 tabs of citirizine (for hayfever) £5.57 delivered! Get in! I guess the sorts of potions your on wont be available over the web (not legally any whoo) but it mgiht be worth a look see?

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by docchevron132
I reckon Marty could sort Aaron out with some super drugs and get him up and running!

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by sleepy0905
I dont know whether they are available all i know is i take 30 a day on a good day and up to 40 on a bad day. but at least i rattle well and god do i sleep at night

Re: Hello campers hows things

Posted: 04 May 2009
by mat_the_cat
Hi Aaron, we met once at the National when you still had your AX (although you probably won't remember me...). My mum has been on painkillers for her arthritus for the last 30 years, but has recently switched to one that is injected once every 3 months - she gets on better with that than the tablets although she still has to take some. If you want I can find out what it is so perhaps you could ask your doctor if it would be suitable for you.