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Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
Whilst I'm stoked with the new PC, the keyboard is all arse about face!
Cant find the pound sign, and lots of other things are transposed.
Is there an easy way to cure this?

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by Way2go
Go to your Control System and then "Keyboard" . English UK. Select the Qwerty keyboard with the right number of keys that you have......................... 8)

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
hhmm, I don't have the option to change it via the "keyboard" bit in control panel..

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
Ooh, erm, I think I've fixed it!
There's a thing on the bottom tool bar.. Fuck knows what else I've buggered up whilst arsing around with the control panel though!
Could be another visit to Vanny's coming up then!

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by Way2go
Does keyboard show your correct keyboard under hardware in that tab?


Go to regional and language options in the control panel and make sure you have English, UK selected.

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
it did, and I set every preference to UK, but it still worked as a US keyboard, however, it now works all proper like!
I think I might actually b getting a bit good at this computery shit!
££££££! Yay!

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by Philhod
333333333 Yay :) oh err..................

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 09 Feb 2010
by Vanny
I think you'll need to send the keyboard back to be honest, it is clearly not EUY2010 compatible, you should find that your Number '3' key creates a '€' when combined with the shift key!

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 10 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
Don't want a euro sign anyway TBH mate. Fucking euro shite.
Plus the volume thing on it works, and I've even managed to set up the hot keys along the top! How fucking clever am I!?
I can now control the DVD / CD player without going into media player!

The only slight glitch I'm finding is IE8.
As I type away on here, or any other forum for that matter, the screen seems to take a little while to catch up, like FB does.
Yet, if I boot up IE5 (I know I know but it's what the BT internet disc has on it) it all works super fast.
Do I need to do something to the settings, or is it just how it is?
Not a major beef, just a tad irritating really.

Oh, one other thing, how do I allow cookies??

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 10 Feb 2010
by Way2go
docchevron132 wrote: The only slight glitch I'm finding is IE8.
As I type away on here, or any other forum for that matter, the screen seems to take a little while to catch up, like FB does.
Yet, if I boot up IE5 (I know I know but it's what the BT internet disc has on it) it all works super fast.
Use IE to download Firefox and after that is installed leave IE to gather dust. :wink:

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 10 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
I used Firefox before, but I get on better with IE sadly...

Ok, further, the speakers dont seem as loud as they were on the last machine..
I've set everything to full volume, but it's still quiet.
Do I need speakers with built in amp, or is there anything I can do to make the room shake a bit?

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 10 Feb 2010
by mat_the_cat
docchevron132 wrote:is there anything I can do to make the room shake a bit? mean with a computer? :wink: When you say "everything to full volume" do you mean you've double clicked in the speaker icon on the right of the task bar and checked it all in there? Is it the same with say CDs and the internet? It's probably the soundcard has a lower output than your last one.

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 10 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
Sadly it has to be with the computer mate, The blow up has a puncture!

Yep, it's all up as far as it'll go..
Ah well, these speakers are a tad old, time for some of them fuckers with built in amps and shit!

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 10 Feb 2010
by Vanny
On the IE8 front, stick with it for a little while, and make sure you do your windows updates. There was a patch for this some time ago now, i guess it hasn't fallen onto the computer yet.

At the moment IE8 is better than Firefox, IE finally caught up, so i really wouldn't bother with it. Equally (before someone shouts out) forget Chrome, i haven't heard anything good about it yet!

As for speakers, it was a pretty focking loud PC plugged into the powered speakers in the screen, so why would you want anything else?

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 11 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
Don't get me wrong, I'm liking IE8 much more than IE6 or whatever the fuck I had before!
BXP is now in the toolbar, so it's only ever one clicky away!
I did have Chrome, but I had so many issues with it I gave up after a few weeks..

Yeah true, through the monitor speakers the sound is not bad at all, but it doesn't give mahoosive bass see, and I does like my mahoosive bass.. Since I listen to all my music at home through the PC then I like to have half decent speakers..

Maybe I'll plug it through an amp or something..

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 11 Feb 2010
by Philhod
I had Chrome for a while. I had no issues with it, it worked ok but was no better than what I already went.

I think Bandit uses it though.

I got a Mercury integrated amp system speakers, with surround sound. one unit has the controls on it for, power, surround, tone and volume, plus a green light to tell you it's on.
£35 and works fine.

Loud enuff for me and I'm deaf!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 11 Feb 2010
by Bx Bandit
used to use Chrome but it didn't work on certain sites with particular (e.g. flash) requirements. Have now been on firefox, although on Vanny's insistance I am now back on IE7...for now! :mrgreen:

Have you tried a Yamaha keyboard Doc?

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 11 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
I usd to have a Yamaha keyboard actually mate, but decided the guitar was a cooler instrument!

IE8 is better than IE7 I reckon, I've been playing around with it and I like a lot.
Largely because I've run out of stuff to look at on the internets, but I'm like a kid with a new toy, so dont want to turn it off!

Will go google Mercury speakers at once!

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 11 Feb 2010
by Vanny
Bx Bandit wrote:on Vanny's insistance I am now back on IE7
You only need to be on IE when we try to connect to BXClub, it limits the number of potential problems and lets me know all of your available options!

Re: Keyboards..

Posted: 11 Feb 2010
by Bx Bandit
I know hunny bun :wink: