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I've found a way to never break down again!

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by Vanny
According to Direct line in this news release;
UK motorists will breakdown an average of 20 times in their driving life, according to findings out today by Direct Line Breakdown.
Well i've already broken down at least 15 times (And i consider a breakdown to be anything i have to get the recovery man out) in my driving career, so all i need to do is break down another 5 times this year and that will be that.

I'm off to be a Fiat Uno . . .

Re: I've found a way to never break down again!

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by docchevron132
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bugger, the only time a car has failed to get me home was years ago when the XM blew up in Gloucester...

Re: I've found a way to never break down again!

Posted: 28 Oct 2010
by Philhod
Ran out of fuel in my first car but walked to get a can. same car blew a fuel pump in the middle of nowhere and a neighbour happened past.
Second car snapped a 1/2 shaft about 1/2 a mile from home and I pushed it. And...and...that's about it really. Oh I got the RAC after that argument with the non lowering bollard.
So according to Vanny (and direct line) I will be fucked, over these next few years. :lol: