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I may scrap my beloved TD!

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
Shock :shock: Horror!! The story is this:
Body work my TD is a shed. I have the panels to make it presentable, but they'll need re-spraying.
Rust wise, it's probably mostly salvage-able except the A pillar by the windscreen - it really looks bad behind the screen rubber. There is even rust showing through on the inside with the plastic panel removed :( It's going to take alot of work to put it all right and a fair bit of cash too. At least £250 for a set of spheres and a clutch a couple of diff seals and it needs a rocker gasket too.
Mechaically, it's sound apart from the clutch, the engine has only done about 80K.

I have seen this ... :IT&ih=005 which I'm thinking will just make more sense. Even if it sells for the £250 I would spend on my current one I wouldn't have all the hassle, assuming that is that it's as good as he says it is and the cut-out problem can be solved. Any ideas what it could be?

I'd ofcourse have a ton of spares which I would happily donate to the BXP Spares Contingency. Just be sad to see the old girl go if I scrap her cos we've 'been together' for over 10 years!

What do you think girls?

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by Vanny
you got me at A-pillar rust!

I've seen what can happen when the scrap man places a car ontop of a BX with a rusty A-pillar, the bx pretty much flattened on that corner, the top car fell off and all in all made a total mess of bx with glass everywhere!

The pillar only showed signs of bubbling, but had pretty much split, the windscreen couldn't take the weight, and it all came smashing down. ANd that was placing weight, not rolling or crashing.

Once this happens with mine then i'll be putting a roll cage in and only using it on track!

buy the blue one!

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by Vanny
max lee is a username i recognise of the BXC as well!

looks like a goodun that car, i'd make it so if i where you!

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by mickey taker
maxlees on overbore as well , a decent guy ( I think Doc knows him )

there is a thread on bxc about this auction and Marty knows what the problem is but isn't saying (typical )

heres the linky poo

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
Marty has posted a reply now! I'd be tempted to wham my engine in anyway, or at least change the pump...cos mine is Bosch and is much much better than the roto it replaced. The injectors are pretty new too. Hmmm....... [chin] Even if the windscreen area on mine is repairable, it's a windscreen out job to do it properly and even then I suspect it will always come back..... I'll try and get a photo of it and post it up.

It does look tempting. Stuart, did you say you were close by and able to have a look? If this goes ahead we'll have to have a wrecking partay!!! :lol: I'll be sobbing in the corner!!!

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by Madcav
Erm, I voted scrap it. But only because I like scrapping things, it's fucking ace fun. So weigh it in and post some pictures of it in the crusher.

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by barnsley bxer
Scrap it and keep the "new" one on the road for years with the spares

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by David
if you do scrap it, do you have the space to break it for spares yourself? I may well be after a back axle, a front subframe and some hydraulic bits for a "project"

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by Vanny
hmm project, meaning hydraulic kit car per chance? Nice big v8 engine slapped in?

Posted: 16 Nov 2007
by charlie
fuckin ell bandits gonna have a clear out!!!!

not gonna believe it till i personally see it!!!

if u got rid of the morris, hint hint, u could have even more room

for a guiness bx maybe :wink::wink:

or even an xm :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:

or even even even a nice little 2000 triumph :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by Vanny
will sell you a windscreen for a t2000 if you ask nicely!

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by docchevron132
I see I'm alone in saying keep it then!

How much do you like your car?
Rust is fixable. Bit of tin, some fabricating, 10 mins with the MiG, job done.

Max Lee's car looks very straight and tidy, but it WILL have rust in it.
All BX's have rust in them.
An A pillar is not that hard to fix, really, it isn't, with the screen out it's a piece of piss, especially if you have a complete A pillar in good nick from another car.

If it were mine, I'd repair what I had, er, a bit like I am doing, because I do love my cars ina oddly worrying kinda way.

It's up to you though at the end of the day mate.

David, I have front and rear subframes you can have if you desire.
Any preference on ARB's??

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
It will be a windscreen out job to do it proper...and if he manages to break it taking it out then it's another £100!! I suspect A pillar replacement is the best/only way to go to do it properly but wouldn't the 'integrity' of the car be lost somehwhat being as the roof/pillars are 'structural'? No reflection on your welding in any way Doc but would the car be as strong as it is supposed to be? Welding up the rest of the car doesn't bother me but I'm unsure about replacing an A pillar...or am I just being a scardy cat??!! :lol:

To get both bx's to the same standard, the blue one is alot less work...assuming that it has as little rust as he says and there are no other surprises. As you say Doc, it's going to have rust somewhere.

David, physically I have the space but it wouldn't be ideal. I'd probably strip what I want off the car and get rid within a weekend. If you want the bits, or even the whole car minus a few bits I'll keep then you're welcome to it.

Billy, nice prettyu avatar...I wonder what your inspiration was!!! :lol: If I can get pictures of it cubed...I'll be sure to post 'em up!

Charlie, I've heard of a cheaper place to store the T2000, so I may move it and the Morris there to give me some space. XM is pending the right one at the right price...although I've been thinking I'll just buy me old mans when he comes to sell it...dunno...but I can't have your Oirish Cream mate...sorry dude!

Vanny, windscreen eh? Can't be many of those around!! Go on then pretty please...let me know how much you want and I'll get some wonga for you when we meet!

Back to the TD...decisions decisions [chin]

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by Vanny
don't want out for it, will go rescue it from the field in a minute!

I have a spare front end of a car including a good a pillar (with decent door hinges) and a spare windscreen for the taking, come practise on this one first ;)

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by docchevron132
A welded repair is as strong, if not stronger than it would have been when new mate. Really, all you're doing is melting two pieces of metal together. As long as whoever's wielding the torch isn't a total numpty theres no reason whatsoever why the car would lose any strength.
But yes, the screen would have to come out.
Since Vanster has kindly offered bit's, then perhaps a weekend visit with some cutting / chopping and drinking is in order?!

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
Thanks for the t2000 w/s assortment of alcheyhol shall become yours!!

Here's some piccies:

Bottom of A pillar

Top of A pillar

The rust looks worse than the photos suggest. At the top is where the water can pass through to the inside. The lower section all along the length of the windscreen is rusty too. The A pillar is two pieces spot welded together isn't it? The inner section looks ok but on the outer part - once you start trying to get back to sound metal, will just break up. How would you do it mate, just fit the outer skin?

Bottom of B Pillar. This may well be patchable

Outer part of wheelarch. Don't know what it's like behind here so is this the signs of bad news?

I know the front inner wings will need some repair, def around the front bumper mounts. I'll have a quick strip down tomorrow (the car not me!! :lol: ) to try and get a better idea of all the work needed. just wondering wether to cut my losses...

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by docchevron132
Is that all?
Blimey, thats nothing mate.
The A pillar is in two halves, except it isn't if you see what I mean? It's rolled and overlapped.
By far the easiest way to fix that is hack a complete pillar out of another car (like Vanny's) and weld the lot in.
The screen pan is simple spot welds across the bottom and top edge, easy enough panel to fabricate from scratch, but again, if theres another one on t'other car, jobbed.
The B pillar is a bit worse than mine it's exactley the same area's that have gone.
Handily the sill is one complete section, front to back, and the B pillar is just sat on the top, so very easy to hack and plate.
The rear door shut is common, and easy to fix.
I dont need that particular bit of the door shut on the spares car, I'll be nicking the lower / outer bit so I'll have a genuine shaped piece to let in if that suits?

Posted: 17 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
It's the A pillar/windscreen area that's bugging me. I know I prob made it sound worse than it is, but when I saw the water on the inside I hit 'PP mode' :lol: I really want the td back on the road but can't face all the work needed right the TZD looked like the lazy/easy option instead of pissing about with my pink one!
Where would the joins be on the A pillar replacement mate?

Posted: 18 Nov 2007
by Bx Bandit
I have a spare front end of a car including a good a pillar (with decent door hinges) and a spare windscreen for the taking, come practise on this one first
We could do a dodge cut'n'shut!!! :lol: I'd love a two tone BX!! Thanks mate, you're a little gem!!
Since Vanster has kindly offered bit's, then perhaps a weekend visit with some cutting / chopping and drinking is in order?!
I can't weld, I can't do Karate so I'll make sure I pull my weight and do the drinking!!! :lol: :lol:

Right, I've made the decision not to buy the TZD.... [clap] I'll remove the bumpers/wings when the weather clears and see what else needs doing. I know that some of the tin under the boot is looking like puff pastry but I need to have a proper butchers.

Doc, as you know I can't do the welding so I appreciate your offer mate. You're a busy sod, so ffs don't give up yer time until you can really afford to.
Vanny, if you are ok to donate your..erm...front end then it will go to a good home!!
Bandit, you can supply the copious amounts of beer/ale/lager required to feed the army!
Logistically, I'll fit in with what's easiest for you twos, although I need to do the clutch before it goes too far...
No urgency but let me know what you thinks......

Posted: 18 Nov 2007
by Vanny
i'd rather donate the front end than the rear end!

erm, from the 14th of december earliest for me really!