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Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 01 Feb 2010
by Philhod
:) There was a programme on tv about this phenomenon last week. 'Tinternet has caused a social revolution and it went on to describe all the things it has allowed to happen.

One of these is that lots of these forums have allowed people, who previously sort of felt excluded or different, to find others who felt they were alone as well. It went on to give examples of friendships that had been formed all over the world.
I stopped watching after that, but thought at the time how true that is 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just an observation I thought relevant, that's all :)

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 01 Feb 2010
by Vanny
Philhod wrote:or different
Thats us lot down to a 'T', excluded from owning decent cars is also rather apt!

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 01 Feb 2010
by Aerodynamica
One of these is that lots of these forums have allowed people, who previously sort of felt excluded or different, to find others who felt they were alone as well. It went on to give examples of friendships that had been formed all over the world.
I stopped watching after that, but thought at the time how true that is
True innit - nerds of the world unite!

I must say though that I'm a freak No! sorry, feel like a freak - yea that's it. And always have until going to university and realising there were people who were even more freakish than me! Up until those days (not helped by growing up in a countryside town) I felt like everyone was THE SAME and into EXACTLY the SAME shite like the EXACTO same FOOTBALL teams and IF into cars, it was all the SAME usual shite, CORSAS and the like.

I suppose you meet more and varied people over the years but growing up in shit, redneck towns does nothing but cause grief.

Mind you, since joining you lot on 'ere, I feel quite normal.

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 01 Feb 2010
by mat_the_cat
I spent the first half of my life, not trying to fit in, but always being singled out because I didn't. Until I was in my mid teens, when things started to get better and I suddenly thought "Who the fuck wants to be normal anyway!"
From then on I've been a lot happier, I still care what people think of me but only the ones that I respect. The ones I don't have any respect for I don't care what they think of me. Their loss.

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 02 Feb 2010
by Philhod
:lol: My youth, sadly, is a long time ago now, but as far back as I can remember I have always felt out of step.
Rather academic by nature, able to read at 4 (aunty was a teacher) I managed to fail my 11+
which in those days meant relegation to a secondary modern school.
The best thing about these schools was that there was no chance of uni or college but they were a very good preparation for work.I excelled in engineering and technical drawing and was always good at maths. This, of course didn't go down well with my contemporaries so I was not befriended by many, at least not if they were to hold their cred.
I got an excellent apprenticeship but here was deemed too posh for the work. This lessened dramatically when I won the app of the year, which gained me 4 months working in Fr**ce.
After I became a craftsman, the fact that I was articulate and could read and write well ( I kid you not, there were lots that were borderline illiterate) I became a shop steward then a fore man then a manager. It was as a foreman, at 26, that I at last reached the stage where I couldn't give a fuck what others thought. This stood me in good stead when I became a divisional manager because all the others were graduates and I was definitely not in their club.
On leaving Engineering, at 47, I went off to Leeds to do teacher training and embarked on a new career. Even here where I thought I would fit in, I was again recognised as degreeless and a threat to the academic wankers who could only talk and show video's about processes, whereas I could actually show students easy ways of making things with tips on improving handskills.
What this wandering tale is about is quite simple. People usually exclude you because the way you are different is that you are better than them in most areas. And that is what they are afraid of!!!. so ....Enjoy your superiority....Even if they call you arrogant. After all they are only saying it because it's true 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 02 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
I only ever wanted to be normal at Primary school. I wasn't allowed out at "playtime" or breaks, and had to sit in the headmasters office as my mother was terryfied I'd cut myself..
So I kinda felt alienated and whatever.
By the time I got to secondary school i was a right rebellious little cunt frankly, infact my year report stated I was "an angry young punk".. more in attitude than appearance though.
Happily I didn't much care about break times since by then I was taking the guitar to school and making much noise with other reprebates and got into shit like Nirvana and the Manics, not only because they were cool as fuck, but quite literally because all the angst and shit spoke to us, it felt personal.
I kinda enjoyed being an alienated teenager and carried on being as different as I could until one day I realised I was actually a grumpy old man.. And I still am.
That said I still rather avoid real life wherever possible and always stay on the edge and watch rather than participate.
It's more comfortable out here, being in the middle sucks donkey arse.

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 02 Feb 2010
by Philhod
Comfort zone!!! :lol: That changes as you get older Doc. I don't mind being in the middle any more because it allows you to be able to help others, like yourself.

And the complainers/moaners , the ones that desperately try to pull you down because of their own inadequacies... Well they become irrelevant and can fuck right off anyway! :wink:

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 02 Feb 2010
by Stinkwheel(Matt)
As David Crosby sings on one of those Crosby Stills Nash Records that i like so much........

"Almost cut my hair
It happened just the other day
It's gettin' kind of long
I could've said it was in my way

But I didn't and I wonder why
I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it, to someone"

Sums me up i think :) Im a hippy basically, freak or whatever you wanna call it.

I was offered a better job only last week, it actually meant shaving beard and cutting hair, so i said no, even though it was 5k a year more (other factors but meh!)

My point is, as is quoted in Pythons Life of Brian......"We're all different, we're all individuals"

simply, if your not and you are the headless masses who like man utd and drink piss water lager and drive your chavvy corsa or fiesta then i feel sorry for you.

Lucky we are all shit hot grumpy bastard social misfits really huh?

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 02 Feb 2010
by Aerodynamica
True. I also think running a shit old car is part of the 'statement' no?

Aye, So sorry to be boring and bring this actually back on topic (I know I know!) but I went into Hellfrauds again this arvo after realising one of my headlights was out. Nearly vomited blood when I saw the cost of one but after chilling a bit, noticed that the 2pac was a wee bit better value.

Get to the counter and the greasy guy there is like "what car's it for" - "Citroen CX" I say half wondering if he's about to spin one of their all too familiar 'add-on' sales lines. He's like: "Don't think they'll fit", I look at them again 'H4'. He asks: "Is it outside" "yes" as I point, there's now a Q forming. He then leaves the shop and goes over to the car and looks about!! wtf? does he have X-ray vision? how the hell could you even tell from the outside what bulbs and connectors it has?

I turn round to the couple behind me who are waiting and the bloke is sporting Rangers FC gear (ugh) but overlook this, and say "hope no one is in a hurry likez"
In the meantime I check the bulbs I'm holding as I am dyslexic and have read stuff wrong before. H4 indeed and they look identical to the ones I'm familiar.

Guy returns "aye I think they'll fit" ..... Gee, thanks Einstein.. "Nice car that" to which I WAS gonna say "It's a heap of chronic shite but I'm just a sick masochist" but thought better of it.


Anyone else have a shite day?

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 03 Feb 2010
by Philhod
:D No Had a great day thanks....,sorry if yours was a bit below par :)

Reassembled 4x4 boxes, took longitudinal dimensions, stripped again and bagged everything, then made a drawing for the machining.
All ready to start work now :D :D

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 03 Feb 2010
by docchevron132
Had a better day today than yesterday!
No-one maimed or killed themselves today, although I made the mistake of investigating one of the N/S outriggers on the bus..
Which looks alarmingly like this:
So, since I can't go buy a new one will mean fabbing up a new one, which in itself is easy enough, but supporting the body and making sure it all goes back in line could be more interesting..

Still, had a great night out with Bandit and Charlie, and Mr. Bandit kindly provided a pipe and a ram, so hopefully I can make the TD work tomorrow and revert back to using a car that doesn't use more fuel than a super tanker..

now in Nokia VGA teknicolorized

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 03 Feb 2010
by mickey taker
nothing wrong with secondary schools Phil,I passed my eleven plus and went to grammer school like my brother ,
I struggled from day one and left with three 'o' levels and two gcse's.
a secondary school head took over my school in the last year and it was only thanks to his interest I did that well.
If I had a pound for every time he told me " If I had you at my old school you would have got at least 8 'o'levels " I would never have had to work

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 03 Feb 2010
by Vanny
Was that 90's tecknicolor then? looks like 8bit to me!

Re: Went into Halfords today

Posted: 03 Feb 2010
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: (at Doc's outrigger) won't say I told you so...coz err..... I said they might need strengthening :oops: :wink:

Your right there Mickey, Not much wrong with Sec Mods. The teachers were pretty good and you got a good spread of work based stuff and academia.
We must have done because I left with no O levels (mainly coz we wern't allowed to take any) but
got a much more in depth education. Also the same teachers turned up every day, like clockwork. When I talk to Gregzee he knows nothing.!!! Very little history or Geog (he wasn't sure which direction Fr***e is) His english is ok, but his maths is down to what I have taught him, not school.
Teachers now come and go now like customers in a Wigan pie shop. or take a bunch of time off with stress when ever they feel like it. So, it's not surprising really :x

:lol: :lol: Unfortunately they don't pay you for quals Mickey. I have more certificates (short of a degree) than you can shake a stick at, but still had to go to work :)
Now resting after 50 years at work [no]