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Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 17 Dec 2009
by Bx Bandit
Super Earth

There must be other planets out there that support life, the whole shebang is so colossal that to imply otherwise is statistically ignorant!

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 17 Dec 2009
by jayw
Well, if you consider the basics, our "sun" is just a star with planets orbiting it then it would stand to reason that any other star with orbiting planets in the universe is likely to harbor life. The question is whether that life would be anything like us! I have no doubt that there is other life out there but either it is far too far away for us ever to meet or perhaps our perception of what this "life" may be is completely wrong and it could already be living among us.

If the "big bang" that created the universe also gave rise to the bacteria which created the life on earth then i find it unlikely that Earth was the only celestial body that could support that bacteria in ANY form.

I'd be inclined to believe that the bacteria from the big bang created the Dinosaurs and that they were wiped out by the huge asteroid hit which introduced the new bacteria from which we evolved. Which basically means there's loads of bacteria floating around up there bouncing off all kinds of planets & rocks. Hence, there MUST be other life in the universe and it's equally possible that it could be created from the same bacteria as us, i just hope it's evolved differently!

E.T. is up there, but we'll have long destroyed this planet before they come looking for us.

That's my tuppence worth :D

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 17 Dec 2009
by Philhod
:) Now we all know it was God that made the Earth 8)

It was obviously one of his first attempts, as he seems to have got most things wrong.

It serves him right really, I mean, you go hammer and tongs at it for 6 days, then take a break. Well that was never going to work, now was it.

But then Thinking about it, you are probably right, somewhere else he may have taken his time a bit more and done it properly.

Look on here as a learning curve for him, if he had started by starting off with the BXP guys,

We all know the consequences of cutting corners and could have put him right straight off.
8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 17 Dec 2009
by jayw
Philhod wrote::)
We all know the consequences of cutting corners and could have put him right straight off.
8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Become a born-again Roman like me... no corners = no cutting required! [clap]

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 18 Dec 2009
by docchevron132
Ooh goody! One of my fave subjects!
God is a crock of shit, sort of.. At least in the generic religious sense.
However, it is science fact that if you compress the shit out of matter you will vreate a mini universe. We dont have the technology to do it, but it is possible. The particle collider they built is nowhere near powerful enough to do that, despite what the doomsayers would have you believe.
What that means of course is that it is just possible that some alien dude with far superior technology created our universe as an experiment in his shed ona tuesday afternoon.
I mean, probably not, but it is possible, and makes more sense to me than some fucking dude on a cloud somewhere who got bored and created some shit house planet in 6 days whilst pissing off on the seventh day to have a pint and watch the rugby before hoofing off down to Tesco's for some milk before they closed at 4pm.

The universe is big, really big, so of course there's life elsewhere, all over it no doubt, only man would be arrogant enough to assume that we are all there is, I rather hope life elsewhere isn't like it is here, as this planet is largely full of arseholes..

Assuming we haven't wiped ourselves out before "the end" in roughly 3.4billion years then I'd love to be here, and see if we have the technology to fuck off to another solar system, since we'll have to for the human race to survive, the question then I guess will be if any other life form elsewhere would actually put up with us, or just nuke our arses...

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 18 Dec 2009
by charlie
Bx Bandit wrote:There must be other planets out there that support life, the whole shebang is so colossal that to imply otherwise is statistically ignorant!

life in another world hmmmmmmmmmmmm

or the lack of it

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 18 Dec 2009
by charlie
and this made me squirm in an interested sort of way

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 18 Dec 2009
by Bx Bandit
:shock: meat grinder dude fucked up a bit there didn't he?!

Doc, you observations are legendary and yours Phil are virtually philosophical!

According to the wheelchair bound dribbling bloke who's stoopidly clever, our sun is one in a 100,000 stars in the Milky Way, which itself is one of eleventy cajillion galaxies! It's just statistically unlikely that other life forms don't exist!

It really does intruige me what 'we' can discern from looking at stuff far, far away. If I had the brains, I'd love to of been an obscure phyisics type dude, like Prof Denzil Dexter, but BXs test my patience too much, let alone countries!!!!

We're fucked aren't we? Will there not become a point when our population gets too big to support itself? Hopefully we'll all be long gone by then, but it does make me feel 'guilty' almost for having kids, what a shit hole place :roll:

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 18 Dec 2009
by Father Ted
Personally I subscribe to the multiverse theory - that there are an infinite number of universes and these are created moment to moment whenever decisions are made that affect the outcome, so that every eventuality is carried out at some point.

Hell, in some really really weird universe somewhere Doc is better looking than me!

I dont subscribe to the idea of a supreme deity having crated everything, rather the big bang theory, and if CERN manage to produce antimatter in any sufficient quantities from banging a couple of photons together then we should have the proof we need that this did indeed produce the energy needed to create the universe.

I believe there are other planets out there that can and do support life, but you have to ask yourself why travel millions of miles to land on a planet, make some pretty patterns in the corn and stick a probe up some farmers bottom and not actually say "hello - you are not alone". So I tend to treat UFO sightings with a pinch of salt.

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 19 Dec 2009
by docchevron132
Bx Bandit wrote:We're fucked aren't we? Will there not become a point when our population gets too big to support itself?
It already is, virtually every country on Earth has a larger populous than the land they inhabit can sustain independently.
The Chinese for once actually have the right idea to a certain extent.

I hope we do blow ourselves up and end everything. We all deserve it really, we've raped the planet, been arrogant enough to assume we have the right to do whatever the fuck the want just because we are top of the food chain, or at least allow ourselves to believe we are..
I find the majority of the human race distasteful, unpleasant and on the whole I'm ashamed to be one of these people.

Marty wrote:Personally I subscribe to the multiverse theory - that there are an infinite number of universes and these are created moment to moment whenever decisions are made that affect the outcome, so that every eventuality is carried out at some point.
I've given this a lot of thought over the years, and whilst I'm not sure I'd go with there being an infinite number of "me's" I can see the logic in thinking it too is possible.
After all, everything is energy in different foems, there's no case to dismiss the possibility that other forms of energy we dont even know about, or even that which we do but in a slightly altered state can't co-exist, even over lap without ever being known to the other.

Marty wrote:Hell, in some really really weird universe somewhere Doc is better looking than me!
Christ, that would be a fucking scary universe!
Marty wrote:if CERN manage to produce antimatter in any sufficient quantities from banging a couple of photons together then we should have the proof we need that this did indeed produce the energy needed to create the universe.
We already have the proof mate, it's all around us, the static on the TV, the crackling you hear, thats just a left over reminder of the big bang, which is a bit of a shite name really, doesn't quite do it justice, fucking collosal mahoosively epic bang of cock shattering hugeness would be nearer the mark really I guess...
marty wrote:but you have to ask yourself why travel millions of miles to land on a planet, make some pretty patterns in the corn and stick a probe up some farmers bottom and not actually say "hello - you are not alone". So I tend to treat UFO sightings with a pinch of salt.
Agreed. Crop circles have nearly all been exposed as hoaxes now anyhow, and despite having spent thousands of hours looking skyward over the years I've never seen fuck all I could attribute to being a UFO.
I'd still like to think that some race of other planetary inhabitants have the ability to come here if they chose to though, it's a fucking bleak thought to think that other planet dwellers are thicker than humans..

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 19 Dec 2009
by jayw
Bx Bandit wrote:We're fucked aren't we? Will there not become a point when our population gets too big to support itself
You mean like the aztecs? The only feasible answer to the abandoned cities...

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 19 Dec 2009
by docchevron132
Well, maybe, unless they all went to vegas and got hooked on gambling....

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 19 Dec 2009
by Father Ted
If we are lucky and get the teraforming thing sorted then its possible we (as a planet) can expand and relocate to say Mars or the Moon, r maybe even further afield. Otherwise without some pretty major population control ( and I thought AIDS might have been it once upon a time) then we are fooked.

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 19 Dec 2009
by Philhod
:lol: FT wrote, I subscribe to the multiverse theory........Is that weekly or monthly.....Oh no wait, that´s one of those long Irish limmericks....right 8)

Hej fron Sweden. It´s snowed another 6" today and is now 2 ft deep and everything is...well, carrying on as normal really.

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 19 Dec 2009
by jayw
Philhod wrote:
Hej fron Sweden. It´s snowed another 6" today and is now 2 ft deep and everything is...well, carrying on as normal really.
You gotta admire those swedes... we get 2 inches of snow and none of my deliveries turn up, the roads are gridlocked by muppets who can't keep their motors in a forwardly direction and everyone starts banging on about how we used to have a foot of snow on the ground for crimbo "when we were kids"... this country would be fucked if we got 2 foot of snow, we'd all just stay home and die!

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 20 Dec 2009
by docchevron132
It's true that is.
I love driving in the snow, especially in big stuff.
It's been raining here in Brizzle, and up in stroud it tried to snow but came to nothing, but the rain we had is begining to freeze now, which is makng the roads a little interesting, but hardly worth writing home about..

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 20 Dec 2009
by Father Ted
Snow - its fucking unbelievable that this country griinds to a halt when it gets to a couple of degrees below freeezing.

Why????????????? Chunnel - oh its a bit nippy out, we cant run the trains.

Bloody poofs the lot of them.

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 20 Dec 2009
by Father Ted
Philhod wrote::lol: FT wrote, I subscribe to the multiverse theory........Is that weekly or monthly.....Oh no wait, that´s one of those long Irish limmericks....right 8) .

Multiverse Magazine.

Re: Interesting Planetary Type stuff

Posted: 20 Dec 2009
by Philhod
FT sent. MULTIVERSE MAGZINE.....April 2001..................That'll be monthly then :lol: :lol: [bow] [doc]