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What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by Bx Bandit
Don't worry, I'm going all deep and philosophical, but I watched a Horizon program recently, titled What Is Reality?

They did the double slit experiment, shoving light through 2 slits and observing the resulting wave patterns. No surprises there. They did it again, but fired one photon at a time. i.e. The Photon can pass through one slit or the other and so in theory, you should get 'hits' where the photons pass through and 'blanks' where they don't. Surprisingly, they get the same result as passing through continous light. This should be impossible as the single photon should take one path or the other - not both.

When photon detectors are placed at both slits, the pattern changes to the theoretically expected one i.e. one photon through either slit. Remove the detectors, and the resultant pattern changes back. This isn't a newly found observation, but top Physicists can't explain it. The experiment suggests that the photon can be in two places at once, but as soon as you try and look - it can't.

The program then led onto a computer. Not like the ones we have where all info, at the heart of ther machine is binary, i.e. 1 or 0. This new computer, could be in both states at the same time (in theory - it's still under development). It consisted of a small science lab, with approx a dozen 'boxes of electronic wizardry' and other supplementary stuff. Easily fit into the back of a tranny van. Once working, it'll be more 'powerful' than either (1) the most advanced computer we have today, but the size of earth or (2) all the computational power in the world combined.

It was such an interesting program, I can't find it on iplayer, otherwise I'll post a linky.

There were some other theories that I just couldn't get my head round, such as that 'basic element information', like energy, can not be created or destroyed. therefore, black holes, as we have been led to understand them (i.e. nothing - not even light can escape) can not exist. So, it was put forward that all that we see, was merely a projection of the/a collation of 'basic element information' that is projected, rather like a 3D holographic image, from the periphery of a black hole!

I really do wonder if some of these Physicists have lost the plot, can't explain shit and have to make something up to explain a bit more????

Another chap wrote the 6 (maybe wrong number but approx correct) equations that could describe all he could see, and that maybe the world is just made up of Math (no, that's not mass spoken with a lisp, but as in Mathematics). Fucking nut boxes!

What I was impressed with was the Maths Genii, who predicted/calculated that there were a further 'X' particles beyond protons, but explaining them was too complex. So they devised a 'grouping' system and managed to find all six groups in a USA smaller version of CERN.

In fact, I'm going to start another thread about summat else

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by Philhod
[chin] [chin] [chin] I've thought about this for some time.

The one important question springs to mind is.....................

Were there any Trannies in the tranny van :? :? :? :?

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by Bx Bandit
Fuckin good question mate. Answer that Hawking! :o :o :lol: :lol:

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
wow, I could post a massive long post, but ya know, I've jusy typed one, and frankly I CBA right now!

However, black holes have pretty much been proven, so ya know, but we dont know whats in them, where they go or what the fuck they are / do.
Thats not say that they destroy energy though, since it is indeed true (as has best been proved) that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can change form or wotnot, so blackholes can continue to suck the fuck out of everything around them, doesn't mean the energy has been destroyed, but it could well mean that the black hole itself is just gaining in energy to the point where one would imagine that it would fucking shit the bed, but no-ones got proof of black holes shitting the bed yet.

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
to answer the thread question thoguh.
Reality is what exists in your head. Everyones reality is different,. and none right or wrong.

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by Bx Bandit
:D This was one of the con-un-drums of the programme.

Reality is what's in your head
Reality is what is actually 'real'

BTW, I agree with you, it's what's in your head, but it's marginal, and there is a strong part of me that says that it's what it actually is.

What's the difference? Don't know - in the end.

Black holes have been proven by 'wobbling stars' havent they? Their existence isn't in doubt AFAIK. Not that they don't exist, but that their ability to absorb everything as according to Hawking was in question

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by mickey taker
No guys,

Reality is a state of mind brought about by a lack of alcohol

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
but whats actually real is only ever determined by our thoughts, therefore external reality is still in the mind, since it's how WE process it that makes anything real, or not.

Thats why I dont believe in god, there is no proof.

Yeah, black holes have been proven by the wobbling stars, but also by hubble that captured a black hole swollowing a star that was going super nova.

Whether they can absorb EVERYTHING I doubt, since if they could then there would be nothing at all, although, we could just as easily be a universe inside a blackhole already, and we'd never know!

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
oh, yes, thats also true Mick!

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by Philhod
I thought they were caused by a red dwarf that has such a massive mass that the gravity is so strong it sucks everything in, even light can't escape, ergo, black hole. 8)

And the reality is I don't have a beer in front of me, even though I can see one in my mind.

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
Red dwarves and black holes aren't the same thing though?

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by Bx Bandit
A beer in the mind is worth 2 in the fridge! :P or even better - in the hand!

A black hole can't absorb EVERYTHING unless anything gets too close - The Event Horizon - the right side and you'll pass on by, the wrong side and you're toast!

aww fuck this, too pissed, of to bed...............herrrrumph

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by Philhod
Red dwarves and black holes aren't the same thing though
No that's right, one causes the other.....or at least that's how Mr Sagan explained it :)

God naht Bandit get yer ed down mate.

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
this has been a most interesting chat!

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 26 Jan 2011
by Philhod
Yeah! just short of a few beers, that's all. :)

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 26 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
yeah, i aint got any either.
Or Scotch.
Nothign alcoholic at all actually. Must remedy that tomorrow.
I would pop to Teco's now, but I cant really be fucked!

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 26 Jan 2011
by Philhod
:D I have 4 cans in the workshop and a bottle of Vodka it the kitchen. I' just being good..... and smug 8)

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 26 Jan 2011
by docchevron132
cans? Not Lager, please god not lager?!

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 26 Jan 2011
by Bx Bandit
Stars collapse in on themsleves (I think a star at the end of it's life is the Red Dwarf) and the collapse somehow makes a black hole.
Fuck, I really wish this programe was still available on iplayer.

Something that Doc said on the other thread - about multiple universes was on this programme too

Re: What is reality?

Posted: 26 Jan 2011
by Father Ted
It is written
"There is a lot of shit that we dont understand, live with it".