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Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 25 Apr 2009
by Philhod
Doc Wrote:- What sort of welsh people have yo been meeting.........Pale blue ones .. obviously

Totally agree Smiffy. However, I also know at least 5 pakis that agree with you too :P

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 26 Apr 2009
by Way2go
Haven't you got your diary mixed up being in Sweden Phil? It's the Bahrain formula 1 today, surely you could have wangled a coincidental training trip? :P :wink:

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 26 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Philhod wrote:Doc Wrote:- What sort of welsh people have yo been meeting.........Pale blue ones .. obviously
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ask a silly question!!

I entirely agree with J Dizzle there.

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 26 Apr 2009
by Philhod
Don't remind me WTG I had been promised star seats the drivers..
...etc. etc.
The college have been pissing me about coz I'm 65 in a few weeks and being dispensed with.

However the trip is still on later, after I have left. It now looks like I will make something out of it as a private consultant, so fuck em!

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 26 Apr 2009
by Vanny
tomsheppard wrote:I've missed Vannys' point completely
The point, more over, was that should i be coloured, female, European, slightly older, slightly younger, unemployed, self employed, married, with children, divorced, widowed, dyslexic, with learning abilities, physically abnormal (too tall, too short, too spotty, too fat, too lazy) and a million other things, then i would be cashing in on everyone elses Taxes. But i'm not so i pay these taxes (and fuck me there is a lot of them) and what do i get in return? Fuck all! NHS isn't much use to me as if i have to wait for anything then i'll invariably need time off and loose more money than just having medical insurance in the first place. I'm rarely i'll, and would rather just get over it than fanny about going the doctors. And i'm in the position i am in through a lot of grace from my parents and the sodding student loans. So why am i not paying back my loan and my parents rather than handing out money to free loaders? I am absolutely not against a welfare state, and i have many reasons for wanting a welfare state, but i want a welfare for decent British folk (that is people who see the good and not the dollar, and regardless of religion and race) who are not scared of a days work. Which ironically would me throwing 90% of white people out of the country, while keeping probably a good 60 to 80% of the so called 'coloureds' (which these days seems to just mean Johny Foreigner).

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 26 Apr 2009
by Way2go
Philhod wrote:Don't remind me WTG I had been promised star seats the drivers..
...etc. etc.
The college have been pissing me about coz I'm 65 in a few weeks and being dispensed with.

However the trip is still on later, after I have left. It now looks like I will make something out of it as a private consultant, so fuck em!
So, another win for Jensen Button. 8) It's amazing though isn't it, Jensen was vitually written off in the past as being unable to deliver and now he's won 3 out of 4. If this proves anything it's that it's more the car than the driver. Maybe there's a case for standardising or limiting some aspects of mechanical performance and widening the racetrack to allow drivers to truly demonstate what differentiates them. :?:

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Blimey, Vanny's gone and grown up on us!
Amen sir!

Maybe we should throw these F1 car things in the bin, and just get the drivers to have a drinking competition instead?

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by Father Ted
docchevron1472 wrote:Blimey, Vanny's gone and grown up on us!
Amen sir!

Maybe we should throw these F1 car things in the bin, and just get the drivers to have a drinking competition instead?
Perhaps do what Mat f did - buy some old scrappers and drive them very fast round the farm until you tip over and nearly kill yurself in the rusty Ka with no roll cage...

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Yeah, that looked well funny!

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by Fish_Botherer
Way2go wrote: So, another win for Jensen Button. 8) It's amazing though isn't it, Jensen was vitually written off in the past as being unable to deliver and now he's won 3 out of 4. If this proves anything it's that it's more the car than the driver. Maybe there's a case for standardising or limiting some aspects of mechanical performance and widening the racetrack to allow drivers to truly demonstate what differentiates them. :?:
Erm, the F1 authorities have been trying to get everyone racing in cars with the same engine and tyres for a while back, bless their filthy money-grabbing authoritarian luddite souls... then along comes another way to tweak something else (diffusers) that's caught them a bit off guard, and which the rulebook can't be retrospectively "engineered" to disqualify. The more differentiation of F1 teams and their opportunity to engineer their way to success in the the technological and mechanical sense the better, sez I. Progress come that way.

Less picking over of alleged technicalities of racetrack incidents and retrospective rule-making to change results would also make for an improvement too....

Vanny, congratulations on your comment about "people who are in it for the good and not the dollar" - that's the nub of a lot of things worldwide, not just in this little island. I am, and remain, a British Mongrel who can't see why we need to get too worked-up over our Englishness, Welshness, Scottishness (I could make a part-claim to all three) or other "national identity" issues when there are more important things in life.

We've truly fucked at the moment courtesy of a completely Westminster-driven government and political system which stretches its yah-boo tentacles into all sorts of areas we don't need. There's been no meaningful local government or regionalism in this country for a long time now - particularly since political parties made it their domain. The EU's effect on our lives pales into insignificance compared to that.

The alleged federalists of the EU - and others - have a lot to show us - some still have regional banks, economies which don't hinge on property prices, and a proper regard for personal debt. Some have learnt that almost ANYTHING is preferable to wars, even if the aftermath has proved an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. That said, nothing's perfect in any one country... I'm still glad to live here for now, but don't see what there is to keep my children here in the long term.

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by mat_the_cat

I think the tracking may need adjustment.

Anyone up for a similar event? AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by Vanny
very confused at your invite to a similar event!

However the track looks to still be okay, just zip ties the shaft back into place and use some duct tape to seal the gaitor and you'll be fine! What heap of car is that? Or is this a KA in which case the whole thing become clearer!

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by Madcav
Thankyou Mickey. It should be celebrated with great pride and be a national bank holiday.
Fuck everyone else, it's OUR country and if someone doesn't like it they can piss off. I don't care what colour or creed people are, if they live in England and don't like our culture, heritage or way of life they know where the exits are.

'British by birth, English by the grace of God'.

Oh and for Charlie here's a motto I invented myself:

'Wales: run by the English FOR the English'!

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by mat_the_cat
Yes, it was the Ka. This one in fact...


Unfortunately it was toeing out by about 45 degrees on one side afterwards. It had lost all coolant about half an hour previously (and the other car we were using had a fuel tank/rock incident), so it was felt that the best thing to do was have pie and cakes, then go to the pub.

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by Philhod
Well, of course, the only decision to make, under the circumstances 8) 8)

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 27 Apr 2009
by Madcav
Assuming you no-one was hurt or badly shaken up at least that's another one of those vile shitty pieces of shit off the road.

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 28 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Sounds like much fun Mat!
Any old shite car do?
I have a few that could be made to run for a short time at pace!

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 28 Apr 2009
by mat_the_cat
Any old car would do…so long as it goes and stops. We did a deal with a scrapyard where for £50 we get the cars, we just have to remove the glass and oil etc before we return them. I wasn't involved in the choosing of the cars, otherwise I wouldn't have gone for the Ka because someone had already taken the driver's seatbelt. I was a bit shaken up - fortunately just physically and not mentally!
The occasion was James' stag do, and we used a bit of land belonging to a disused quarry where the arrangement was that we cleared some of the rubbish that had been dumped there and in return we got to do whatever we want. The plan is to buy it off them in time as the land has very little monetary value with it being in a National Park - no quarrying allowed now.

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 28 Apr 2009
by docchevron132
Do ya reckon it's possible to get a bus round the track?!?!?!

Re: we dont get to celebrate much nowadays so

Posted: 28 Apr 2009
by Fish_Botherer
at least that's another one of those vile shitty pieces of shit off the road.
There are many MUCH viler shittier pieces of shit on the road.....