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Re: my ineptitude

Posted: 07 May 2009
by docchevron132
You were born on D-day? Fuck, you're old!

Of course the BOB Lanc is less and less an actual Lanc, the wing spar is a modded Shackleton spar, and various bits keep going walkies off the Lanc at Hendon to keep the thing in the air, I also fear it's time left in the sky will be short lived.
Much like the Vulcan, now thats a shame aswell after all that work to get the fucker in the air again.

Re: my ineptitude

Posted: 07 May 2009
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: Yeah 65 years old. My last day at work will be Friday 5th of June.

On July 7th it will be exactly 50 years since I started work. In all that time I have been lucky enough
to have only been out of work 11 weeks. 8)

Re: my ineptitude

Posted: 08 May 2009
by Fish_Botherer
A former boss of mine was born on D-Day too.
My old feller was a WW2 bomber pilot
Mine flew in Coastal Command (Hudsons and various other bits and pieces):considerably less dangerous, then got hived off into other duties. I think he felt guilty about that, as not many of the other pilots he trained with over in Canada survived the war.

He started in a Meteorology flight, either going up by degrees over the over the North-West Norfolk Coast taking readings all the time, or going out over the North Sea to find out what the weather would be doing over Germany later on.

Re: my ineptitude

Posted: 08 May 2009
by Father Ted
Both my grandfathers served in the last war, and dad only missed it because it ended in 45, had it dragged on another year he would have got involved too. As it ws his National Service was spent out in the far east.

One (Steptoe, the Yorkshireman) served mostly in Africa, the other was involved in the D-Day landings amongst other things.

Re: my ineptitude

Posted: 08 May 2009
by mickey taker
my grandad lied about his age (he was 14 ) to join up for the first war he was in the artillary
my dad worked on the railways and ended up in Palestine helping with the evacuation of the jewish population by rail. many of his mates were killed and tortured by the arabs ( one officer tied between two bent over trees before the ropes were cut splitting him almost down the middle ) and on more than one occaision they tried to blow his train up with him on it

ummm terrorists trying to blow up trains , some things never change

Re: my ineptitude

Posted: 08 May 2009
by Philhod
[chin] Arabs...Terrorists...err I don't think so.
For whatever it's sins this country was was responsible for the administration of Palestine, after the first war. To get Arab support we promised them all sorts of things, including saying the Jews would never be allowed any territory in Palestine....evah.....EVAH!

Comes second war Britain secures support For our troops from the Arabs by reiterating these promises and offering more.

Holocoust, end of war , Jews stake claim to large lump of Palestine (Israel)
Britain says oh no you can't get out Jews fight back, Britain says oh alright, go on then
1967 war. We supply arms to the Jews.

Mr Arab is, quite justifiably, a little upset.

I've just parodied history here, if you read the actual records over roughly a 50 year period from about 1912. We really let our Arab "allies" down. So much so, If I was an Arab I would never trust anything we said ever again. [no]

Re: my ineptitude

Posted: 10 May 2009
by smiffy
My sentiments exactly Phil! We the British started the middle east problem, and it's been sustained by the Americans constantly writing blank cheques to the jews to let them do what the hell they like.

I don't like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (president of Iran) at all I think he's a snake, but I also think he was right a few weeks back when he accused the jews of being a racist state.