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Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 14 Aug 2010
by Bx Bandit
Kevin? Is that the berk that sold the coke?

"If all else fails..............try Wales"

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 14 Aug 2010
by docchevron132
Lily does indeed have a residence in Stroud, rather obvious to find due to the number of locals that dont want her there!

And yes, i would, I really REALLY would...

As for GYO, it may not be as fresh from Tesco's, but I'm keeping a jew rich by shopping there, and it's easier for me!

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 14 Aug 2010
by mat_the_cat
Herbs, any of you grow them? We've got a few and I tend to make a lot of my own pizzas. The taste of proper fresh oregano and basil on them rather than the dried shite, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 14 Aug 2010
by jayw
mat_the_cat wrote:Herbs, any of you grow them?
Are we talkin' the Smokeable kind? :wink:

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 14 Aug 2010
by mat_the_cat
I wasn't, but if you are??? 8)

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 17 Aug 2010
by stu
I'll give you some chilli seeds next year, Mark, I've got loads! They're doing well in my conservatory, as are the tomatoes and miniature cucumbers.

I'm hoping to join a local community garden - going along for the first time on Thursday. Volunteers get half price veg, plus I wanted to learn more about growing and get out and about a bit more often.

I did have an allotment at the old place, but moved out before planting season... The ex said she was going to carry it on, but she never went up there when I was there...

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 17 Aug 2010
by mickey taker
sorry guys as far as Im concerned gardens are for decking except the little patch you have to leave for the dog to shit on :D

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 17 Aug 2010
by Bx Bandit
Huh? Isn't that what pavements are for?

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 19 Aug 2010
by Philhod
sorry guys as far as Im concerned gardens are for decking except the little patch you have to leave for the dog to shit on
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well I have had a good crop of spuds this year but everything else is late lots of tommytoes
but not yet ripe since the sun went in up here. All the chillies are in and strangely the yellow tomats. Lettuce has been ok but the sweetcorn rather disappointing.
I made a rack for under the kitchen window, which carries 6, 8" pots of a range of herbs and they have been fine.
Bit of a mixed year all round. I am lucky enough to live on an end and have front, side and back gardens. I suppose that would read "unlucky enough" in your case Mickey :wink:

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
My chilli's are just starting to turn red, but the plant has some kind of nutrient disorder as every branch point has gone purple and the plant looks wilted all of the time.

Tomatoes have been okay - but nothing to write home about, and I've had an aubergine and loads of courgettes :D Tons of herbs too; thyme is really good for iron (I think), or was it calcium? Anyway, I put it in everything.

Potatoes are the first thing I plant on a new veg plot - they may get a bit of worm, but they sure do clear the weeds out.

I fancy having a go at permaculture as digging usually turns me into a cripple. Either that or a tractor - I would like that.

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010
by Bx Bandit
Just weld a furrow jobby onto your BX! A 1001 one uses dem cars

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010
by Way2go
Scarecrow wrote: I fancy having a go at permaculture as digging usually turns me into a cripple.
Isoponics may be the productive and less crippling answer here.

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010
by Scarecrow
You had me looking there! Do you mean hydroponics? Because that'd be a recipe for disaster as I can be a bit slap-happy with measurements. And the electric has been known to run out. I like the idea of soil being involved in the process too.

The veges we used to grow in France were all fertilized with human crap, and they weren't half bad. I'm not so sure about disease risk, but the poop stuff was well composted first.

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 20 Aug 2010
by Philhod
digging usually turns me into a cripple. Either that or a tractor
Now that's strange that is. Never heard of a tractor crippling anyone.....unless you got it to drive over you sort of thing :lol: :lol: :lol:

I grew green chillies this year. Once the pepper has matured, where the stalk meets the feeding branch always tends to go black. You harvest at that point.... allegedly. :)

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 21 Aug 2010
by Fish_Botherer
Bx Bandit wrote:Kevin? Is that the berk that sold the coke?

"If all else fails..............try Wales"
Taking things up a little late (as always)... do you mean onscreen or in real life, Bandit?

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 21 Aug 2010
by Fish_Botherer
Bx Bandit wrote:Just weld a furrow jobby onto your BX! A 1001 one uses dem cars
You'd be surprised what can be grown in a neglected BX sunroof surround ...

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 21 Aug 2010
by Way2go
Scarecrow wrote:You had me looking there! Do you mean hydroponics?
Yes, that's the scheme. :lol: My bad, thought that & wrote something else! :oops:

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 21 Aug 2010
by docchevron132
happens to me all the time that..
I mean, I meant to tell my girlfriend that she'd cooked me a wonderful meal and I love her very much, I actually said "you've ruined my life you vacuus crack whore"...

Re: Green fingers?

Posted: 21 Aug 2010
by Bx Bandit
Fish_Botherer wrote:
Bx Bandit wrote:Kevin? Is that the berk that sold the coke?

"If all else fails..............try Wales"
Taking things up a little late (as always)... do you mean onscreen or in real life, Bandit?
It's the character in the film mate, but I've made the assumption that that particular character was Kevin Allen...................I've just checked and it wasn't. Kevin was a TV reporter - but I can't remember that part.
Kieth Allen was in Twin Town too I remember, as the sheep farmer or got a hot dog from the Twins, with a sprinkle of 'herb' and some magic mushrooms on top! :mrgreen: