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X*ntia 2.1 Clutch Job

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Bx Bandit
Is it an utter pig or just a bit more cramped than a BX? Also need to do the input shaft oil it same as BE3 more or less? Anyone know...?

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Philhod
:?I`ve only done the 19 turbo clutch on a zant but unlless i`m very much mistaken the box on the 2.1 looks exactly the same :)

Maske sure it`s not the crankshaft oil seal that`s the culprit :shock:

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Bx Bandit
It's a different box mate...apparently fooking heavy! The oil coming out has 'that' smell and is clear...not black like the engine oil. It's been leaking for about 4 or 5 years now but it's getting worse. I top it up every other service...I'm surprised I haven't slippage (which I'va had once about 2 years ago)
am still deciding wether to buy Daves TZD with a/c to replace the Xantia so I'm weighing up my options...

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Philhod
:) [chin] [chin] [chin] You may be right there.

Howevah. Have you got a hoist??? coz if you have, it`s sometimes easier to hoist the lot out :P All jobs are a doddle then and you can check all those things that you can`t quite get at like hoses pipes etc. Everything get`s a good clean as well.

I used to have two. If thats still the case I will bring you one on Saturday :wink:

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Bx Bandit
I don't have a hoist mate no......we seem to have the same approach! Hoik the whole lot out and whilst you're at it give the whole a good going over and a clean up! I'm of the school of thought "Whilst I've gone this far, I may as well change blaa blaa cos it looks half fucked and \i may as well" as opposed to "if it ain't broke don't fix it" :lol: :lol:

As regards borrowing your hoist...hmmm. If you can fit it in and spare it for a bit I'd be very grateful mate. I may even take the BX TD engine out in that case and clean up around the bay!!! That's even more beers on the tab then!!! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don't feel obliged if it wont fit/can't be arsed etc :wink:

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: :lol: Don`t get yer hopes up If I have got two you can have it

but they are only old fashioned ones that you pull chains to move and they are only 1/2 ton max :roll:

As for fitting them in, We are in a Picasso mate, It`s a bit like having a van :oops:

:lol: :lol: We might have an extra passenger, the grandson says he fancies coming :lol: :lol: Yeah right If he gets home from the club in time [vomit] We`ll be setting off at about 0700 :P

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by docchevron132
The 2.1 has the ML% box, and indeed, it's foooooooooooking heavy.
As for pulling it all out the top, forget it, you wont. You can drop the whole lot out the bottom, but it'll be a bigger pain in the arse than raising the Titanic to get it out the top.

Access is an utter arse, but if you undo the bottom engine mount and drop the whole thing at an angle, the box will slide off without destroying the HP pipes that run along the chassis leg.
Having a good engine crane / hoist to lift the box out and in with is a must.

Oh, and the hydraulic clutch bearing can be a bastard to get in....

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Bx Bandit
Sounds fun then! :roll: The hyd clutch that the thingamejig thats needs to be 'set' and then released once it's all bolted up?

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by docchevron132
It's a pull clutch, the hydraulic bit is actually a slave cylinder, exactley the same as the Activa.
The slave cylinder is removed by twisting the whole unit anti-clockwise 90deg, then it pops out.
Stick a zip clip or some such over the pushrod as they can pop out, and you cant bleed the thing, it's all sealed for life, and they are over £100.

The fun bit is clipping the release bearing into the fork, then fitting the gearbox and pushing the release bearing till it clips into the pressure plate.

I cant remember what the Haynes says to do, but I ignored it and wrapped some string around the end of the release fork, then when it was fitted up yanked fuck out of the string. dont give it a gentle pull, you have to be quite brutal, the circlip on the bearing is epic.
Handily it popped straight in, but if it doesn't, it can be a total barstweard.

Posted: 03 Feb 2008
by Philhod
8) 8) I had a little trolley on 4 wheels, I say had coz I can`t remember who has got it. You put it under the motor/box, pack up with wood. With all disconnected. hoist body and pull from under, never used it on an
LHM fed machine though. :P :P

Posted: 04 Feb 2008
by Bx Bandit
i have a little trolley - it's got a td engine stuck on it at the moment that's destined for Doc...
It sounds like a pig of a job tho'.
It's coming up for new spheres, new discs, aircon re-charge, i/p shaft oil seal, clutch...thats £300 ish and I have the feeling that the aircon system has a leak cos it was re-charged about 2 yrs ago and that could be uber expensive if it's the pump.... :(

Posted: 04 Feb 2008
by docchevron132
Do yourself and the world a favour and weigh the fucker in!
Billy has specialist services reserved especially for these piles of shit!

If you want a hand with the clutch I'll provide said, although mainly I'll take the piss and swear alot. It's not the nicest of jobs in the world.

Posted: 04 Feb 2008
by charlie
i spy with my little eye something beginning with


hmmmm i wonder what it might be

phil mate ur a star!!! 8)

unlike badit who just a fukin blaa blaa blaa whore

ta ta


Posted: 04 Feb 2008
by Bx Bandit
Thanks for your offer of help Docmeister...are you sure you want to lower your standards!! :lol: This moment has been coming for a while - wether to do the jobs, keep it/sell it etc etc! It's Mrs Bandits car and she often goes away to her parents and takes the kids with her. I can't help but think that the X*ntia is a tad safer.... [chin]

Posted: 05 Feb 2008
by docchevron132
Get her an XM, safer still!

Yes, a xantia is better equipped to deal with impacts, that said I've had some massive crashes in the red BX, and not only have walked away totally unhurt from all of them, the car is still going.

I'm only offering to assist cos you're a fucking ave bloke. If it was any old cunt I'd tell them to fuck right off.
However, top mate or not, if you ever buy a Mondeo and ask for a hand to change a clutch, I WILL tell you to fuck right off!

Posted: 05 Feb 2008
by mickey taker
for my two peneth worth I would say lose the xantia and buy that BX David has

Posted: 05 Feb 2008
by Bx Bandit
:lol: Don't worry......not a fraud in sight...I promise you!! Ta Doc...never been called an 'ave' fella before :shock: :lol:
That's a firm reply Suggzee? Why so? You no like Xantys either..? If twas just for me I'd have the BX anyday...but with the two little ones and the missus I need to err on the safety side of things....that said, she's quite a good driver my missus....for a bird like :wink: :lol:

XM is the other choice for sure...still waiting for the 'right' one to come along tho'

Hmmm, decisions decisions....

Posted: 05 Feb 2008
by Philhod
:lol: :lol: Yeah Doc`s a bit like that too :oops: :wink:

Posted: 05 Feb 2008
by docchevron132
It's always hard to know when the right one turns up though aint it? Till it's too late...

Bandit, I'm not sure what a Ave bloke is TBH, and I wasn't even pissed!
I put it down to being blind!

Posted: 05 Feb 2008
by mickey taker
Bx Bandit wrote::
That's a firm reply Suggzee? Why so? You no like Xantys either..? If twas just for me I'd have the BX anyday...but with the two little ones and the missus I need to err on the safety side of things....that said, she's quite a good driver my missus....for a bird like :wink: :lol:

funnily enough I quite like xantias although I coulden't get attatched to one as much as a BX .

its just you say it needs new spheres, new discs, aircon re-charge, i/p shaft oil seal, clutch... and possible air con pump.

thats an awful lot to spend cash wise and time wise on a car that I doubt will ever recover that sort of expense.

I would be tempted to go for Davids BX (with aircon :lol: ) even if only as a stop gap until the right XM turns up