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Good news

Posted: 12 Jan 2010
by Vanny
and you dont get that very often!

Of the two bets he put on over christmas, both paid out. Rage for number 1 and apparently (little did anyone know) it snowed in Birmingham on christmas day! £10 in, £41 out :D

However, a little bit annoyed now that my first £10 stake didn't get doubled as it should have otherwise that would have been £10 in, £82 out!

I've drank some of the £40 already, but the other £16 is still in the bet365 machine. Do i gamble it away or not? Bare in mind i placed the bets for fun and didnt know i had won on the snow thing until ooh, about 5 minutes ago!

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by Philhod
:) He who uses his money to gamble, get's it too easily :wink:

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by jayw
If it's not worth drinking it's not worth having...

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by docchevron132
aye, fucking drink it, it's only money, which is something I used to have, now I dont...

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by Philhod
it's only money, which is something I used to have, now I dont...

But now you have a Lance.......and a GF :D

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by docchevron132
Well, a Lance and a potential GF, it's all a bit still in the formative stages, but going the right way! Who needs money anyway really, you cant take it with you!

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by Philhod
:o Bleeding well helps before you go though :wink:

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by Bx Bandit
Good bet on the Rage though Vanny. Rather cool how that all ended! You can rock yer bollocks off to that track!

Re: Good news

Posted: 13 Jan 2010
by Vanny
Bit random that the odds for a win where so hi, given that i did everything i could (within reason) to rig the vote as it where.