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work u bastard work

Posted: 30 Sep 2007
by charlie
right, finally, honest, hand on heart

am going to do my pinion valve week after next

have put this off too long now so its all systems go, go go


advice anyone :?


Posted: 30 Sep 2007
by Bx Bandit
Do it on a nice sunny day, have a swear jar and a pub close buy to spend your 'fine'

Oh and er apply ht eparking brake, choc the wheels and disconnect the battery....job done

Posted: 30 Sep 2007
by Bx Bandit
BTW, let me know when you're doing it cos I'll turn up with the swear jar and take the piss!!!! :lol:

Posted: 30 Sep 2007
by docchevron132
Just work methodically, and keep everything clean.

If it all starts going to hell, walk away for a bit, have a fag and come back to it.
They are nowhere near as bad to do as everyone makes out.

Posted: 30 Sep 2007
by Vanny

Posted: 01 Oct 2007
by Bx Bandit
He can't read 'em anyways - he only speak the queens finest!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 01 Oct 2007
by charlie
cheers bandito

u can visit my grotto anytime baby 8)

and when we've done we'll open another of these babies :wink:


what!! another hangover i hear u say :shock:

or we could just pour into the bx instead of lhm :idea:

now id bet that would cure the heavy steering


Posted: 01 Oct 2007
by Bx Bandit
OOooh yes, my head hurts just looking at it.....not surprising if it doubles as LHM!! :lol:

Posted: 07 Oct 2007
by charlie
yes i know its on that other site as well but someone just answer the fuckin question.....


pretty pleease

pretty pretty please

i'll be ur mate

am just about to start fitting a new pinion valve and was reading

its Oscars description about the valve
Now working on the pinion valve. With the wheels in the straight-ahead direction, scribe a datum mark showing the relative position of the pinion valve spindle and the pinion valve body. This is important, as otherwise there is a risk of refitting the valve in a position that doesn't correspond to the rack's position.
do i have to still follow this given i am not refitting the old

and if i do what do i line up

Posted: 07 Oct 2007
by docchevron132
Ignore Oscars scribe, it's rubbish.
Basically, look carefully at where the pinion valve is (theres a handy cut out in the splines that makes identifying it's whereabouts easy!).
When inserting the new one, ust make sure that the cut out in the spline is relative to the old one.
The yellow cover is just that. A yellow cover. Bin it!

Posted: 07 Oct 2007
by charlie
doc mate ur a star

was just about to take it out today but bottled it

will now undo the last two bolts tomorrow


Posted: 07 Oct 2007
by charlie
and of course fuckin offensive


Posted: 08 Oct 2007
by docchevron132
Amen bro!
As Vanny descrbes in t'other thread, the centering bit is fairly spurious, but it is possible to catch the pinion out if you're not careful (ish), but really, roughly the sameish will do just fine.
I've never marked any or arsed around with tipp-Ex or the such. The last one I did was at the side of the road whilst it was pissing down at some uingodly hour of the morning...

Posted: 08 Oct 2007
by Terry
Bx Bandit wrote: ............- he only speak the queens finest!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
:? Gallileo,Gallileo ......Gallilileo Figaro .........Magnifico,
Bismilla No ......... :evil:
Mama Mia,Mama Mia ............. :twisted:
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me :twisted: :twisted: ........... :roll:

Have the 'kin swearbox handy ........... :wink:

Sorry,wrong "Queens finest" ........[gets coat and shuffles away] :oops:
Terry :wink:

Posted: 09 Oct 2007
by charlie
for me

fooor meee

fooooor meeeeeeeeeeee


i right behind u with the coat :oops:

Posted: 10 Oct 2007
by docchevron132
Headbanging guitar solo....

So you think you can stop me and leave me to die

Posted: 13 Oct 2007
by charlie
and leave me to die!!!!!!

those poor fuckin cows again

Posted: 13 Oct 2007
by charlie
and big thanks to everyone!!

got rid of me heavy steering 8)

Posted: 13 Oct 2007
by Bx Bandit
[clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] [clap] I did all the bastard work tho' you lazy tosser :wink::roll:

Posted: 15 Oct 2007
by charlie
work!!! work ???

u dont know the meaning of the fuckin word

all u do all day is fukin hide other peoples seals


fuk off......

i hate you.........

