
Modern vehicles are little more than a cluster of electronic control units bolted to a set of wheels. And what do they all need, diagnostics! Here you’ll find the articles archives relating to all manner of diagnostics, old, new, and homebrew.

CITM arduino canbus adapter

Can In The Middle (CITM) Adapter

Following on from the proven DIY CAN adapter, this article follows the addition of function by creating a dual CAN PCB design to use as a CAN in the middle (CITM) device.

Can in the middle version 1

DIY CAN Bus Adapter

I can’t afford to use industry-standard CAN bus hardware, but can I make my own DIY CAN Bus Adapter with simple components?

Peugeot TEP92

Diag. – Peugeot TEP92

Back in the late 80’s the Peugeot TEP92 on-board diagnostic device arrived. While not too powerful it was well engineered and very useful.

SDD – Battery Support Unit

Using a diagnostic tool puts a big load on the car battery. To avoid damage you should use a battery support unit. But what is it, and why is it needed?

Symptom Driven Diagnostic (SDD) – Diagnostic Adapter

Land Rovers of a certain age eventually cry out for a diagnostic session. With dealer diagnostic sessions costing as much as £145 per hour, you may want to DIY. This will put you on the slippery slope of the Land Rover Symptom Driven Diagnostic (SDD) system and diagnostic adapter. In this series of articles, we

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